kategori menurut borough di london bahasa Inggris
- kategori: category; categorization; wikipedia categories;
- menurut: according; according to; come my opinion; follow;
- borough di london: london boroughs
- di: about; at; at the; of which; on; there; where
- london: capital of the united kingdom; serpentine; london
- distrik di london menurut borough: districts of london by borough
- jalan di london menurut borough: streets in london by borough
- geografi london menurut borough: geography of london by borough
- borough dan distrik di london: areas of london
- pengangkutan di london borough of hillingdon: transport in the london borough of hillingdon
- borough london: london boroughs
- borough di bratislava menurut distrik: boroughs of bratislava by district
- barnet (borough london): london borough of barnet
- bexley (borough london): london borough of bexley
- hillingdon (borough london): london borough of hillingdon